Monday, December 26, 2011

The Lord carries us.

In the fourth mysteries of the Holy Rosary we have the Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple, the Carrying of the Cross, and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin into Heaven.

Mary carries the Christ into the temple in love and obedience to the Law.  Then Jesus carries the cross to Calvary in love and obedience to the Father.  Then the Father carries the Blessed Virgin to heaven in love for His Church.  In a sense there is obedience even on the part of the Father, because he is faithful to his covenant.  Mary is the Ark of the Covenant.

What an amazing connection.  I am too dumbfounded to write more.  What I will say is that what happens in the next set of mysteries is even more amazing.  This will be a meditation on Epiphany embodied in the word "behold".

Merry Christmas!