I AM the Lord thy God, thou shallt have no strange gods before Me.
As pointed out in a former blog, the Ten Commandments are beautifully ordered. God is first, then His Holy Name, and then His Day. Then follows the unfathomable love of God in the ordering of parents right next to God. This is the archtype of the Church. Such beauty.
The ailments of our day have reached a feverish pitch but I fear that it is only the beginning. I say that because I see so clearly that this First Commandment has been all but forgotten. It is forgotten by mothers who murder their unborn children, it is forgotten by judges who no longer have any regard for the law, it is forgotten by law-makers who have no regard for the underpinning of truth, it is forgotten by parents who fail to discipline their children, it is forgotten by children who have no respect for authority -much less their parents-, it is forgotten by priests who deny the existence of sin and who make light of the liturgy.
It is not my intention here to confess the sins of others. The point is the common thread and therefore THE REMEDY! We must LOVE THE LORD OUR GOD! We must put Him back at the top of our lives and truly love him with our whole heart, our whole mind, and with all of our strength. We can not even love one another if we don't do that first!
As Jesus said, on these two commandments hang all of the law and the prophets. It truly is simple.
We don't need some great minds to solve the world's crises. We need LOVE OF GOD. Each day must begin with a firm resolve to seek and to do the will of God, and to truly love Him. We can not love God if we do not put Him foremost in our minds.
What else would help? To my mind, a good dose of silence. Stop talking. Turn off the electronics. Look around and see what He created! Listen. Listen to others. So much of what we say is truly useless if not down right harmful. And PRAY for Mercy and Peace. Fast when you can.
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly. My God, I believe, I adore, I hope in, and I love Thee. I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope in, and do not love Thee.
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