Friday, September 28, 2012

No sons, no brothers. Only death and toil.

Again I saw vanity under the sun: a person who has no one, either son or brother, yet there is no end to all his toil, and his eyes are never satisfied with riches, so that he never asks, "For whom am I toiling and depriving myself of pleasure?"  This also is vanity and an  unhappy business.  Ecclesiastes 4: 7-8.

This week our Canadian parliamentarians rejected the opportunity to debate the personhood of the unborn.  To be fair, 203 voted against the opportunity, and 91 voted for it.

Our country, our continent, and I dare say THE WORLD, is in love with money and material goods and has no time for anything but economic concerns.  Our sons and brothers, OUR VERY OWN FLESH AND BLOOD, have been reduced to a commodity.  So we have the destruction and murder of our most innocent citizens. This slaughter has to stop!

War is coming.  We are reliving 1938.  How can we tolerate the destruction of innocent human life in the womb, deny the sanctity of Holy Matrimony, kill the eldery, and then pretend we are civilized citizens?  We are already living in a nightmare.  This is the most sinister and evil generation in history. 

The bodies of aborted babies are burned in incinerators at hospitals while we carefully wipe icing from our lips at the coffee shop.  Our cowardly politicians refuse even to have a debate about when human life begins.  Then we re-elect them and go out to the movies.

The Nazis hated the Jews and tried to exterminate them.  We don't hate the babies in the womb.  We just don't care.  "Sushi anybody?  How are your investments doing?  Hey, nice car!"

"Why cant' those people in the Middle East get over their fighting?  Religion is so bad, people always fighting over what they believe."    No time for God, no time for Truth, no time for the unborn.  Just scorn, ridicule, denial, and deafening silence. 


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